Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe Bodenmineralogie

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Addesso, R, Araniti, F, Bloise, A, Mininni, AN, Dichio, B, López-González, D, Elshafie, HS, Ellerbrock, RH, Schnee, LS, Filser, J, Sileo, D & Sofo, A 2025, 'Soil organic matter quality in an olive orchard differently managed for 21 years: Insights into its distribution through soil aggregates and depth', Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Jg. 380, 109388.
Mikutta, C, Christl, I, Hockmann, K, Niegisch, M & Schnee, LS 2025, 'Antimony(V) reaction with particulate natural organic matter: Sorption behavior, binding mechanism, and environmental implications', Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, Jg. 391, S. 218-236.


Akinbodunse, SJ, Ufer, K, Dohrmann, R & Mikutta, C 2024, 'Evaluation of the Rietveld method for determining content and chemical composition of inorganic X-ray amorphous materials in soils', American mineralogist, Jg. 109, Nr. 12, S. 2037-2051.
Brandt, L, Poll, C, Johannes, B, Schrumpf, M, Bramble, DS, Schöning, I, Ulrich, S, Kaiser, K, Mikutta, R, Mikutta, C, Polle, A & Kandeler, E 2024, 'Mineral type versus environmental filters: What shapes the composition and functions of fungal communities in the mineralosphere of forest soils?', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Jg. 190, 109288.
Brüggenwirth, L, Behrens, R, Schnee, LS, Sauheitl, L, Mikutta, R & Mikutta, C 2024, 'Interactions of manganese oxides with natural dissolved organic matter: Implications for soil organic carbon cycling', Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, Jg. 366, S. 182-200.
Mikutta, C, Niegisch, M, Thompson, A, Behrens, R, Schnee, LS, Hoppe, M & Dohrmann, R 2024, 'Redox cycling of straw-amended soil simultaneously increases iron oxide crystallinity and the content of highly disordered organo-iron(III) solids', Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, Jg. 371, S. 126-143.
Stubbe, P, Mikutta, C, Matulková, I & Drahota, P 2024, 'Dissolved phosphate decreases the stability of amorphous ferric arsenate and nano-crystalline yukonite', Journal of hazardous materials, Jg. 471, 134374.


Bramble, DSE, Ulrich, S, Schöning, I, Mikutta, R, Brandt, L, Poll, C, Kandeler, E, Mikutta, C, Konrad, A, Siemens, J, Yang, Y, Polle, A, Schall, P, Ammer, C, Kaiser, K & Schrumpf, M 2023, 'Formation of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils is primarily controlled by mineral type and modified by land use and management intensity', Global change biology, Jg. 30, Nr. 1, e17024.
Brandt, L, Stache, F, Poll, C, Bramble, DS, Schöning, I, Schrumpf, M, Ulrich, S, Kaiser, K, Mikutta, R, Mikutta, C, Oelmann, Y, Siemens, J, Kandeler, E & Konrad, A 2023, 'Mineral type and land-use intensity control composition and functions of microorganisms colonizing pristine minerals in grassland soils', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Jg. 182, 109037.
Zahoransky, T, V. Wegorzewski, A, Huong, W & Mikutta, C 2023, 'X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of Mn reference compounds for Mn speciation in terrestrial surface environments', American mineralogist, Jg. 108, Nr. 5, S. 847-864.