Publikationsliste Dr. Harald Behrens

Zeige Ergebnisse 211 - 220 von 241


Holtz F, Roux J, Behrens H, Pichavant M. Water solubility in silica and quartzofeldspathic melts. American Mineralogist. 2000 Mai 1;85(5-6):682-686. doi: 10.2138/am-2000-5-604
Richet P, Whittington A, Holtz F, Behrens H, Ohlhorst S, Wilke M. Water and the density of silicate glasses. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 2000 Apr 1;138(4):337-347. doi: 10.1007/s004100050567
Riemer T, Schmidt B, Behrens H, Dupree R. H2O/OH ratio determination in hydrous aluminosilicate glasses by static proton NMR and the effect of chemical shift anisotropy. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 2000 Apr;15(4):201-207. doi: 10.1016/S0926-2040(99)00059-4
Schmidt BC, Riemer T, Kohn SC, Behrens H, Dupree R. Different water solubility mechanisms in hydrous glasses along the Qz-Ab join: Evidence from NMR spectroscopy. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 2000 Feb;64(3):513-526. Epub 2000 Feb 21. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00331-2
Zhang Y, Behrens H. H2O diffusion in rhyolitic melts and glasses. Chemical geology. 2000 Aug 15;169(1-2):243-262. Epub 2000 Aug 7. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00231-4
Zhang Y, Xu Z, Behrens H. Hydrous species geospeedometer in rhyolite: Improved calibration and application. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 2000 Okt 1;64(19):3347-3355. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00424-5


Holtz F, Roux J, Ohlhorst S, Behrens H, Schulze F. The effects of silica and water on the viscosity of hydrous quartzofeldspathic melts. American Mineralogist. 1999 Feb 1;84(1-2):27-36. doi: 10.2138/am-1999-1-203
Schulze F, Behrens H, Hurkuck W. Determination of the influence of pressure and dissolved water on the viscosity of highly viscous melts: Application of a new parallel-plate viscometer. American mineralogist. 1999 Okt 1;84(10):1512-1520. doi: 10.2138/am-1999-1004
Wilke M, Behrens H. The dependence of the partitioning of iron and europium between plagioclase and hydrous tonalitic melt on oxygen fugacity. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 1999 Okt;137(1-2):102-114. doi: 10.1007/s004100050585
Withers AC, Zhang Y, Behrens H. Reconciliation of experimental results on H2O speciation in rhyolitic glass using in-situ and quenching techniques. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 1999 Nov 30;173(3):343-349. doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00228-9