List of Publications Sebastian Viehmann
Showing results 31 - 38 out of 38
Hoffmann, JE, Kröner, A, Hegner, E, Viehmann, S, Xie, H, Iaccheri, LM, Schneider, KP, Hofmann, A, Wong, J, Geng, H & Yang, J 2016, 'Source composition, fractional crystallization and magma mixing processes in the 3.48-3.43 Ga Tsawela tonalite suite (Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland) - Implications for Palaeoarchaean geodynamics', Precambrian research, vol. 276, pp. 43-66.
Szilas, K, Hoffmann, JE, Schulz, T, Hansmeier, C, Polat, A, Viehmann, S, Kasper, HU & Münker, C 2016, 'Combined bulk-rock Hf- and Nd-isotope compositions of Mesoarchaean metavolcanic rocks from the Ivisaartoq Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland: Deviations from the mantle array caused by crustal recycling', Chemie der Erde, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 543-554.
Viehmann, S, Bau, M, Bühn, B, Dantas, EL, Andrade, FRD & Walde, DHG 2016, 'Geochemical characterisation of Neoproterozoic marine habitats: Evidence from trace elements and Nd isotopes in the Urucum iron and manganese formations, Brazil', Precambrian research, vol. 282, pp. 74-96.
Szilas, K, Hoffmann, JE, Hansmeier, C, Hollis, JA, MüNker, C, Viehmann, S & Kasper, HU 2015, 'Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope and trace-element systematics of Mesoarchaean amphibolites, inner Ameralik fjord, southern West Greenland', Mineralogical magazine, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 857-876.
Viehmann, S, Bau, M, Hoffmann, JE & Münker, C 2015, 'Geochemistry of the Krivoy Rog Banded Iron Formation, Ukraine, and the impact of peak episodes of increased global magmatic activity on the trace element composition of Precambrian seawater', Precambrian research, vol. 270, pp. 165-180.
Viehmann, S, Bau, M, Smith, AJB, Beukes, NJ, Dantas, EL & Bühn, B 2015, 'The reliability of ~2.9 Ga old Witwatersrand banded iron formations (South Africa) as archives for Mesoarchean seawater: Evidence from REE and Nd isotope systematics', Journal of African earth sciences, vol. 111, pp. 322-334.
Viehmann, S, Hoffmann, JE, Münker, C & Bau, M 2014, 'Decoupled Hf-Nd isotopes in Neoarchean seawater reveal weathering of emerged continents', GEOLOGY, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 115-118.
Hezel, DC, Elangovan, P, Viehmann, S, Howard, L, Abel, RL & Armstrong, R 2013, 'Visualisation and quantification of CV chondrite petrography using micro-tomography', Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, vol. 116, pp. 33-40.